Applied General Topology acaba de publicar un nou número, el 2 del volum 15.

Ací teniu la taula de continguts d’aquest número:

New common fixed point theorems for multivalued maps
S. L. Singh, Raj Kamal, Renu Chugh, Swami Nath Mishra
Convergence S-compactifications
Bernd Losert, Gary Richardson
Asymptotic structures of cardinals
Oleksandr Petrenko, Igor V. Protasov, Sergii Slobodianiuk
The classical ring of quotients of $C_c(X)$
Papiya Bhattacharjee, Michelle L. Knox, Warren Wm. McGovern
R-spaces and closedness/completeness of certain function spaces in the topology of uniform convergence
Davinder Singh, J. K. Kohli
On the topology of the chain recurrent set of a dynamical system
Seyyed Alireza Ahmadi
Lifting Dynamical Properties to Hyperspaces
Dania Masood, Pooja Singh
Function lattices and compactifications
Tomi Matias Alaste
Computational topology for approximations of knots
Ji Li, T. J. Peters, K. E. Jordan
Approximation in different smoothness spaces with the RAFU method
Eduardo Corbacho Cortés
Radicals in the class of compact right topological rings
Mihail Ursul, Adela Tripe
Subgroups of paratopological groups and feebly compact groups
Manuel Fernández, Mikhail G. Tkachenko